by Yvi Mahoney and Dominik Roth

We gladly supported Jürg Geser's cause and paddled on the longest day from sunrise to sunset.
5.35 am
When we started in Walenstadt, a glassy lake laid in front of us. This changed rapidly,... not even half way through Walensee we hit a nasty upwind, luckily it didn't last long. After around 16km, we reached the end of Walensee and were ready for the easy ride on the Linth…
… and a fast ride it was, an easy cruise with only one rapid at Ziegelbrücke, which we decided to pass by walking around it, this for sure was the better option with our hardboards and no full life jackets (only restube).
To be fair,... we did not paddle non-stop like Jürg did on that day,... we had a quick break at Isle Lüzelau after around 47km.
The next break was rather not by choice... around 5pm we saw the weather moving in from Zurich, so we sat it out at the pier in Herrliberg. The scenery was truly amazing. From there it was more or less, stop and go…
9.03 pm
The last picture was taken at 9.03 pm just off Zurich Mythenquai. We just about finished with enough daylight in the pouring rain. The actual plan was to paddle around 100km, although with the forced weather breaks we managed to do 75km. For sure a great day on the water and a tour which we truly recommend.